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Pompeo Borra

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Pompeo Borra

( Milano 1898 - 1973 )


    Pompeo Borra

    Pompeo Borra was born in Milan in 1898. At the end of the conflict, the stylistic elements of the Return to Order spread throughout Italy and the painter’s language seemed to fit perfectly into this climate, despite the fact that he was never officially part of the Novecento Group led by Margherita Sarfatti.

    His first production is in fact characterised by primitivist painting with severe and hieratic figures that evoke archaic statuary.

    n 1936, he left for Paris and his language changed further, he began to use expressive tonal combinations, employing pure primary colours, without abandoning the pro-Renaissance balance. However, the Masaccio and Giottoesque volumetry gradually gave way to two-dimensional forms inspired by the expressionism of Henri Matisse.

    The late graphic works at auction start at very low prices, but the silent images, which date back to the climate of Magic Realism, fetched over €10,000.


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    Artworks of Pompeo Borra

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