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Pio Bottoni

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Pio Bottoni

( Roma 1871 - 1936 )


    Pio Bottoni

    Artist cultured and erudite, passionate of the Divine Comedy and Wagnerian music, Pius Buttons soon settled in Rome coming into contact with the circle of painters costiana In Arte Libertas group. With the beginning of the century its production, dedicated to landscapes of Lazio and Umbria, was enriched by the pointillist testing, which are very popular in the Rome of the century.

    This was the major art exhibitions in Rome and also at the Milan Triennale in 1900 and Petersburg Exhibition of 1902. This painting is part of the series “Villa d’Este”, to which he devoted himself after the success of the cycle of “Terre redeemed”, which was acquired in full by the Società Dante Aligieri of Rome, and the painting Augusta Perusia purchased for the Gallery of the Capitol.

    Museums: Works of Pius Buttons are kept at the Municipal Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, Museo di Palazzo Braschi in Rome; Stadel Museum, Frankfurt Am Main, Società Dante Alighieri in Rome. References: Painters and Painting Italian nineteenth century, to c. of G.Matteucci, Novara, De Agositini, 1997 under the entry.; Pius Buttons, Images of Italy from the collection of the Dante Alighieri Society, Exhibition held 18-30 September 2009 at the Galleria Civica in Bolzano.


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