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Nicola D’Antino

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Nicola D’Antino

( Caramanico Terme 1880 - Roma 1966 )


    Nicola D’Antino

    Encouragement he received his first art by F. P. Michetti, which always remains bound by friendship. In 1898 he moved to Rome to study under the guidance of E. Ximenes and shortly after in Naples with A. D’Orsi. Here assimilated the lesson Gemito realist style which is indissociable from its first production. Back in Rome came to D. Cambellotti and resented the lesson summary breakaway Roman master. Following declined his creations in a style deco flavor.

    Among the works sent to national exhibitions include: Signora, Adolescente, Il grappolo, L’offerta, Ritratto, Civetta, Ritratto della Signorina Scimonelli, Danzatrice, Rirì, Signora Galluppi Ricciò, Vera Vergani Podrecca, La fanciulla nuda, Fanciulla che ride, L’imbecciata, Gemma De Aloisio, Fanciulla con coppa, Donna moderna, Statuetta decorativa, Fanciullo, Risveglio, Ritratto della Marchesa Medici del Vascello, Disegni a lapis, Primavera.


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