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Cesare Bartolena

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Cesare Bartolena

( Livorno 1830 - 1903 )


    Cesare Bartolena

    It was formed under the leadership of E. Pollastrini at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence by deriving an academic formaziona by proper design and colors balanced.

    In 1848 he participated in the first war of independence, also the episode that marked his artistic life: he began, hence the interest in the depiction of military episodes documentary (Livorno Volunteers leave for the liberation war of Sicily, Livorno Museo Civico Giovanni factors) . IN later came to G. Factors and the group of Caffè Michelangelo, however, not by following the cutting-edge research.

    Among the works on display at exhibitions Italian: Una sezione di Artiglieria italiana combattente nella guerra del trentino – anno 1866, I primi colpi nel fatto d’armi di Madonna delle Scoperte (24 giugno 1859), Un paese, Il Settembre, Posto avanzato di bersaglieri in allarme, L’ordinanza (bozzetti della vita militare di E. De Amicis), La costa d’Antignano, Le ore d’ozio (pastello), Il ritorno al reggimento, Il richiamo della categoria, La madre del coscritto.


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