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Carlo Bossoli

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Carlo Bossoli

( Lugano 1815 - Torino 1884 )


    Carlo Bossoli

    His training took place in the city as a local landscape artist oil that is to engraving, thanks to the lessons learned by a designer. Soon established himself at the Russian clients – also got the assignment for the portraits of the rulers of Russia – with a aproduzione than ever prolific of views mostly in tempera. In 1839 he made a study trip to Italy first, approaching the representatives of the School of Posillipo, very close to its sensitivity to reporter rapid and immediate.

    Shortly after he settled in Italy and then to more precisely in Turin. His lithographic production is equally wide and received unanimous success. During these years he continued his work as a painter traveler realizing many views. In 1859 he was commissioned by Prince Eugene of Savoy Carignan to document the military campaigns.


    acquisto opere artisti e stima pittura e scultura

    Artworks of Carlo Bossoli

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