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Camuccini Vincenzo

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Camuccini Vincenzo

( Roma 1771 - 1844 )


    Camuccini Vincenzo

    Born in Rome on 22 February 1771 , died in the same city September 2, 1844 . Disciple of Domenico Corvi, who made him practice for a long time in the copy of the masters of the sixteenth century , and then by Pompeo Batoni . It was a correct designer , skilled especially in compositions and portraits.

    As the Appiani , the Sabatelli and Welcome , remains in the history of Italian art as one of the representatives of neoclassicism . He lived in Rome, ” painter unchallenged ,” between offices and honors. He was president of the Accademia di San Luca , the superintendent of the Apostolic Palace, corresponding member of the Institute of France, and in 1820 he was made a baron by Pius VThe.

    His extensive production is spread throughout the Roman churches , in the galleries of the state and in private collections . Among his major works include: ” The death of Julius Caesar ” and “The Death of Virginia ,” paintings purchased by the King of Naples and kept in the Gallery of Capodimonte. The sketches , lively and airy , much more valuable of the paintings , are housed in the Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Rome , ” The Incredulity of Saint Thomas” , ordered by Pius VThe , reproduced in mosaic, exists in St. Peter ; ” The presentation the Temple ” , the chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary in San Giovanni di Piacenza ” the Miracle of St. Francis of Paola , ” in the church named in Naples; ” St. Gregory and St. Augustine , ” in the church of St. Nicholas in Catania ; ” Ursus ” in the metropolitan church of Ravenna ; ” The Conversion of Saul ” in the church of San Paolo in Rome, ” Ptolemy Philadelphus ” and ” Charlemagne ” are preserved in the Royal Palace of Naples ; ” Descent of Christ into Limbo ” ; “The Battle of Regensburg “, ” Cornelia mother of the Gracchi ,” for Elisa Bonaparte princess of Lucca ; “Deposition” , for the King of Spain ; ” Frederick Barbarossa gives the command of the city of Perugia Lodovico Baglioni Duke of Swabia ,” to home Baglioni of Perugia ” the portrait of Pius VThe ” , preserved in the Pinacoteca di Cesena , the ” Duke of Blacas ” of the “King and Queen of Naples ” , the ” Countess Sconvaloff ” of the ” Countess Dietrischstein ” of ” Painter Kral ” in the collection of Baron Camuccini in Rome , along with another sketch of ” Death of Julius Caesar.”


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