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Enrico Scuri

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Enrico Scuri

( Bergamo 1806 - 1884 )


    Enrico Scuri

    At 13 he was initiated to painting and had to master the Diotti , and for the fellow Coghetti , the Carnovali and other talented . The Diotti , a professor in the Academy of Bergamo , it protected the career: he was also revered preceptor and adviser when the young man became a man beating his way with surefooted .

    Finally it took his assistant in the Academy, and the death of the illustrious master the Dark took the place of honor and scope . Modesto, collected in his art and in his school , he saw the peaceful and industrious life , do not ever troubled by fevers of fortune or the craving for honors . Never departed largely done by the native city , where he worked a lot. Among the infinite number of works composed in the sixty years since held the palette , we mention the main ones.

    Frescoes : ” The dome of the Shrine dell’Incoronata ” in Lodi , “The dome of the church of the Immaculate Conception ” in Bergamo , four medals in a chapel dedicated to the Blessed Alexander Saul , in the church of St. Alexander in Milan. Oil paintings on religious subjects : “Saint Simon Stock , who receives the scalpolare the Virgin Mary ,” altar frontal of the Committee of the vestry of Calolzio , ” San San Nazario and Celso condemned to the rods ‘ committee of the vestry of Urgnano ; ” Saint Helena and the miracle of the Cross ” , commissioned by the vestry of Rudiano , ” the Triumph of the Addolorata , ” San Lorenzo in Lodi , ” the transit of St. Joseph , ” for the parish church of Seriate ; ” the Blessing of Children , ” commissioned by Count Petrobelli of Bergamo and other paintings of similar kind .

    Historical paintings romantic and fantastic : “The death of Aganodeca ” ( Ossian ) , purchased from S. M. Ferdinand I , “The hunting of Bernabo Visconti ,” a night light , commissioned by the marquis Antonio Visconti of Milan, ” The last scene of Philip ,” Alfieri , commissioned by Mr. Presti of Bergamo ; ” Diana and Endymion ” , in the light of the moon, purchased by Mr. Vertova Soresina ; ” surprised by the angel Satan to whisper Ituriele ambitious dreams to Eve ,” in the light of the moon ( Milton ) , purchased by Prince Demetry Gortchakoff of Petersburg ; “Late regret” , purchased by Mr. W. G. of Philadelphia , “The dance of the dead ” (Goethe ) in two paintings, in the light of the moon, ” One Saturday witches ” in light of lightning. “And I fell as a dead body falls ” ( Dante ) . Historical Portraits : ” The famous traveler Bergamo Costantino Beltrami, while back in the boat which discovered the sources of the Mississippi ,” the existing framework at the Civic Library of Bergamo ; ” The teacher Simone Mayr in the act of composing his songs ,” existing at the Conservatory of music , as well Bergamo .


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